Warranty rules

Buyers Consumers

Professional buyers (purchases with VAT number)


The products sold on the site https://www.abzan.com/ (the Site), managed by T-ONE STORE SRL UNIPERSONALE (we and us) are not produced by us. Each product sold by us to a "consumer" buyer is supported by the legal guarantee on consumer goods, which covers defects in conformity that appear within 24 months from the date of delivery of the goods.



1. Introduction

Our Products (hereinafter the " Products " or, individually, the " Product ") sold in Italy and purchased by a consumer (i.e. "the natural person acting for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, artisanal or professional activity carried out ”) are covered by the legal guarantee for defects of conformity provided for by the articles. 128-135 of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 206/2005).

The legal guarantee is the responsibility of the seller and concerns the goods that he has sold in his own stores, both physical and online. T-ONE STORE SRL UNIPERSONALE holds the status of "seller" only for the Products purchased on the website https://www.abzan.com/ (the " Site ").

2. Content and duration

The Products are guaranteed for any lack of conformity (as defined by art. 129 of the Consumer Code) existing at the time of delivery and which appears within 2 years of delivery.

In order to take advantage of the legal guarantee, the consumer is required to report the lack of conformity of the Product within 2 months of discovery and to demonstrate the delivery date of the Product by means of a valid purchase document (receipt, tax receipt or invoice).

The legal guarantee gives the right to obtain the restoration of the Product's conformity by replacing or repairing it, at no cost to the consumer . The latter, at his choice, can request the repair or replacement of the Product, unless the requested remedy is objectively impossible or excessively onerous compared to the other (in accordance with the provisions of art. 130 c. 4 of the Consumer Code) . If replacement and repair are not possible, as in the other cases provided for by the art. 130 c. 7 of the Consumer Code, the consumer may request, at his choice, a price reduction or termination of the contract, without prejudice to the fact that a minor lack of conformity, for which it was not possible or it was excessively onerous to carry out the remedies of repair or replacement, will not however give the right to terminate the contract.

The replacement or repair of the Product does not affect the conditions of validity and duration of the legal guarantee, which will continue to run from the moment of delivery of the original Product.

3. Exclusion Clauses

The legal guarantee does not cover defects that appear after 2 years from delivery of the Product, as well as defects that did not exist prior to the purchase and/or delivery of the Product, faults resulting from negligence or carelessness in use, incorrect installation or maintenance, from incorrect storage and/or conservation of the Product, from maintenance or technical interventions carried out by unauthorized personnel, from transport damage or corrosion.

By way of example, the following are excluded from the legal guarantee:

  • aesthetic damage to the Product such as scratches, dents, notches or notches, as well as damage attributable to impacts and/or falls;
  • damage caused by a modification of the Product or an alteration thereof;
  • defects resulting from accidents, natural disasters or other causes including rain, hail, lightning and fire;
  • Normal wear and tear of the Product unless the wear or damage is attributable to a material or manufacturing defect existing at the time of delivery.

The legal guarantee does not cover any differences in colour, material or appearance of the Product that exist with what is illustrated, purely indicatively, in advertising, catalogs or on the Internet.

4. How to obtain warranty work

To obtain warranty work, the consumer who has purchased the Product on the Site or who intends to contact us directly for assistance must send a written request via e-mail to info@abzan.com

The consumer must have a copy of the purchase document (receipt, tax receipt or invoice) . In the event that the document provided to demonstrate the date of purchase is unsuitable for this purpose, we will have the right not to accept the Product under warranty.

The consumer will receive via email the actual acceptance of his request and a summary of all the information relating to the collection service. The consumer is required to provide a single collection and delivery address where there is always someone during office hours to allow the courier to collect and return the Product. The repaired or replaced Product will be delivered to the consumer at the shipping location indicated by the consumer, at no cost to the consumer. The Product collection and return service will be carried out on working days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays).

Once the Product has been received and the conditions for the operation of the legal guarantee have been ascertained, we will contact the consumer via e-mail to inform him of the estimated time for completing the repair or replacing the Product itself.

In the event that it is necessary to replace the Product, if we do not have it available, we reserve the right, where possible, to procure it for the consumer or, alternatively, to supply another equivalent one, in compliance with the provisions of the art. 130 of the Consumer Code.

5. Assistance outside of warranty and related costs

In the event that, after shipping the Product, it is ascertained that the conditions established by the Consumer Code for the operation of the legal guarantee are not satisfied, the consumer will be informed of the nature of the defect and the estimated repair/replacement costs, if possible. . These costs will be borne entirely by the consumer, together with the shipping costs of the Product. In any case, before proceeding with the repair/replacement, the consumer will be asked to approve the estimate.

2 - PROFESSIONAL BUYERS (purchases with VAT number)


In the event that a Product has been purchased with VAT number by a professional - i.e. by a natural or legal person acting in the exercise of his entrepreneurial, commercial, professional or artisanal activity -, the guarantee for defects is provided pursuant to art. 1490 et seq. code civil and must be asserted within 1 year of delivery of the Product (ex art. 1495 civil code). To take advantage of the guarantee, the buyer must report the flaw/defect within 8 days of discovery and must have a valid purchase document (invoice).

Where the operating conditions of this guarantee exist, in derogation of the provisions of the art. 1492 cod. civil code, the buyer will have the first right to repair or replace the Product affected by the defect, as provided for in point 2 of section 1 (Consumer Buyers) above. Price reduction or termination of the contract may be requested only if replacement and repair are not possible. The provisions referred to in points 3, 4 and 5 of section 1 (Buyers and Consumers) will also apply.